ISO 14001:2015 Auditor Training

ISO 14001:2015 is an environmental management standard (EMS) developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The ISO 14001 standard is generic and can be used for any organization, whether it provides physical products or services. The requirements must be carefully interpreted to make sense within a particular organization. Developing automotive products and the environmental impact of this activity is not like producing food products or offering consulting services; yet the ISO 14001 standard, because it is business and management oriented can be applied to any activity. It is the most widely used EMS standard in the world.

Virtual Training nebo e-Learning?

Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

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Target group

This course is for you if you want to:

  • Quickly and efficiently learn how to conduct an ISO 14001:2015 first (internal) and /or second (supplier) party audit
  • Focus on the application of requirements specified in the standard by completing case studies using ISO 14001
  • Improve your curriculum vitae and career opportunities with qualifications in ISO 14001:2015
  • Upgrade your expertise from internally auditing with ISO 14001:2008 to ISO 14001:2015
Target group

What will you learn

  • Explain the high level requirements and intent of this international standard
  • Explain how the requirements can be interpreted/should be implemented in various industries
  • Identify the requirements for managing an organization’s EMS in compliance with ISO 14001
  • Interpret how the requirements can be interpreted/should be implemented within an organization
  • Assume a productive role in an audit of your organization’s environmental management system as outlined in ISO 14001 and ISO 19011

Course structure

  • Introduction to ISO 19011:2018
  • Managing an audit program
  • Planning and conducting an audit
  • Competence and evaluation of auditors
  • Additional guidelines for planning and conducting audits
  • Case studies on auditing to ISO 14001
Materials Provided
  • 365 days of online single-user access (from date of purchase) to the approximately 15 hours of instruction
  • Continuous assessment to check knowledge and application of key concepts
  • Follow-up to your content questions
Course structure

Jak kurz hodnotí absolventi?

V čem jsou naše reference výjimečné? Nejsou to jednorázové akce. K nám se lidé vrací rádi a nezavírají před námi dveře.

Podívejte se na úplný seznam referenčních klientů, kteří na nás nedají dopustit.

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Zavolejte nám a my vám poradíme.

Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

*položky označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné

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