ISO 26262 Functional Safety – Road Vehicles: Focus on Second Edition Changes Web Seminar RePlay

At the concept phase of ISO 26262, the hazard and risk assessment process focuses on identifying possible hazards caused by malfunctioning behavior of E/E safety-related systems and mitigating them through the identification of safety goals. The design phase includes System, Hardware, and Software development with requirements developed from the safety goals. ISO 26262 also prescribes the functional safety management activities to be performed during the safety life cycle and supports distributed development. An extensive vocabulary is defined to enable participants to engage in the context of the standard, and a selected list of acronyms is provided as a reference. In addition to presenting an overview of the standard, this course highlights the major changes introduced in the second edition, which extends the standard“s scope to include all vehicles, the objective-oriented confirmation measures approach, and references to Cybersecurity at the Concept and System Level development.

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This course is especially valuable for engineers and managers who seek an overview of the standard’s content, highlights of recent updates, and insight into how the standards community is addressing new needs. Those involved in product development for vehicle manufacturers or suppliers whose products contain electronics or software; safety engineers, managers, auditors and consultants; engineering quality professionals including SPICE, CMMI, and internal process assessment; attorneys involved in Product Liability; and supplier quality engineers will benefit from the course, without attending a multi-day workshop or following lengthy technical examples in order to become skilled practitioners.

Participants should have an engineering degree. Knowledge of automotive product development and electronics or software is helpful. A copy of the ISO 26262 Standard is not required to participate in the course; however, it is recommended and will be necessary for application after course completion.


What will you learn

  • Apply the concepts of functional safety engineering
  • Recognize the requirements of functional safety management
  • Apply the concepts of hazard analysis and risk assessment
  • Define the requirements of functional safety at the system, hardware, and software design phases
  • Identify the required supporting processes
  • Recognize the specific needs for motorcycles and trucks

Course structure

Session 1

  • Background and Definitions
  • Functional Safety Management
  • Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment
  • System Development Requirements
  • Hardware Development Requirements

Session 2

  • Software Development Requirements
  • Production and After Production Requirements
  • Requirements on Motorcycles
  • Requirements on Trucks
  • Application to Semiconductors
  • Supporting Processes
Course structure

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Podívejte se na úplný seznam referenčních klientů, kteří na nás nedají dopustit.

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Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

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