Managing Cybersecurity Risks Using ISO/SAE 21434 explains the methods and logic behind the standard and focuses on risk assessment as a basic principle that must be applied in all other areas of 21434. The course introduces risk terminology and provides a step-by-step method to collect information on a product to assess the risk of harm to a product’s stakeholders through cyber-capabilities. It also outlines the Threat Agent Risk Assessment (TARA) tool and describes methods for implementing a TARA to report risk when making decisions detailed in other aspects of ISO/SAE 21434. *Please note, this course does not replace the need to become familiar with the ISO/SAE 21434 standard, it supplements it.
Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.
Zkuste živý kurz virtuálněThis course is geared towards electrical and software engineers, as well as engineers that are directly or indirectly tied to cybersecurity. It would also be appropriate for functional safety managers, product planners, designers, implementers, testers, operations analysts, regulators, and other managers
Module 1: Risk Assessment
Module 2: Product Development
Module 3: Ongoing Operations
Module 4: Management System
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