The Fundamentals of Modern Vehicle Transmissions

Today’s vehicles apply the primary function of a transmission: to couple the engine to the driveline and provide torque ratios between the two. How is this achieved? This on-demand course will familiarize you with the operational theories and functional principles of modern vehicle transmission systems designed to achieve the most efficient engine operation.
Participants will learn about current designs, the components and sub-systems used, their functional modes, how they operate, and interrelationships. An explanation of ratios and how they function within the driveline by using a manual transmission display is provided, followed by a description of the concepts of automatic control and hydro-mechanic decision theory and implementation using automatic transmission design.

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Target group

This course is intended for anyone not familiar with the operational theories or functional principles of modern vehicle transmission systems. Since the material is targeted at several design and engineering disciplines, attendees should have a minimum of two years’ design experience in the automotive powertrain field, or (preferably) a B.S. in engineering or related field

Target group

What will you learn

  • Explain the development, operational aspects, and design principles of passenger vehicle and light truck transmission systems, their major components, and their sub-systems
  • Describe the operational parameters and interrelationships of each of the sub-systems
  • Apply basic design synthesis and analysis techniques for each of the major components and sub-systems
  • Compare and contrast “stepless” to “stepped” transmission technology
  • Identify and describe the function and operation of all major components and sub-systems
  • Recognize the limitations, technological trends, and potential new products under consideration
  • Summarize the direction of new passenger car transmission designs and systems


Various transmission models and components to supplement these theoretical concepts with practical, „hands-on“ experience are demonstrated, and a discussion of mechatronics, toroidal transmission functions, and the future of the automatic transmission is included.

Finally, the course provides in-depth coverage of Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) systems. These systems represent a fundamental shift in the way power is transmitted from the primary source to the remainder of the driveline.

Based on the popular classroom seminar, the course is divided into nine modules, accompanied by a workbook


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