This exciting five-part series focuses on the extensive research, CEO interviews and corporate engagements of Jason Jennings and Laurence Houghton. Their team has observed and documented the lives of successful leaders. Now these ideas, and valuable practices, have been converted to high-impact elearning as a “Front Row Seat” for managers and leaders – especially new managers and leaders who have great knowledge and technical ability but have not had the opportunity to learn “first hand” from the best in the world. Each lesson in the series is filled with tips, stories and activities and, in the end, will be able to self-assess your leadership strengths and create an action plan with on-going tips for developing yourself and your team. You will be positioned to commit to growth as a means to sustainable success, instill a sense of meaningful purpose in work, align people in the right roles through effective communication, let go of conventional wisdom in favor of change and reinvention, and adopt a stewardship mentality toward the future of others.
Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.
Zkuste živý kurz virtuálněManagers, supervisors, team leaders, HR and benefits professionals, project managers, business owners and executives who wish to enhance their leadership skills for the betterment of themselves and their organizations.
Letting Go
Letting Go
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