Vehicle Sound Package Materials Web Seminar RePlay

This four-session course provides a detailed understanding of the source – path-receiver relationship for developing appropriate sound package treatments in vehicles, including automobiles, commercial vehicles, and other transportation devices. The web seminar provides a detailed overview of absorption, attenuation (barrier), and damping materials and how to evaluate their performances on material, component, and vehicle level applications. A significant part of this course is the case studies that demonstrate how properly designed sound package materials successfully address vehicle noise issues.

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Target group

This course will be especially valuable for those new to the vehicle sound package area and those interested in how absorbers, barriers, and dampers work, how they are different from each other, how they interact with each other in an application, and what one needs to be aware of while making measurements so the results are meaningful. The web seminar is also designed for OEM or supplier engineers and those in roles involved with design, evaluation, trouble-shooting, procuring, releasing, supplying, and/or manufacturing noise control materials and parts for passenger cars and light trucks, heavy trucks, off-highway vehicles, farm machinery, and other transportation systems including aircraft, watercraft and rail transit. An undergraduate degree and familiarity with basic acoustics and vibration, or acoustical materials would be beneficial.

Target group

What will you learn

  • Identify various descriptors that are used in acoustics while working with sound package materials
  • Identify three fundamentally different sound package materials that are used in the industry
  • Explain how these materials work and how to improve their performance
  • Describe how various measurements are made and why they are necessary on a material level, component level, and vehicle level
  • Prescribe appropriate sound package materials for specific NVH issues
  • Construct proper protocols for combining different sound package materials for different components so that the final vehicle meets the required acoustic target

Course structure

Session 1

  • Vehicle Noise Sources and Solutions
    • The noise system – sources
    • Ranking noise paths
    • Source-path-receiver relationship
    • The noise control system using sound package materials
    • Calculating Onboard Energy Storage Needs
  • Sound Package Material – Absorber
    • Application
    • Primary function
    • Effect of various parameters

Session 2

  • Sound Package Material – Absorber (cont’d)
    • How it works
    • How to improve performance
    • Case studies
    • Measurements

Session 3

  • Sound Package Material – Barrier
    • Application
    • Primary function
    • How it works
    • How to improve performance
    • Case studies
    • Measurements

Session 4

  • Sound Package Material – Damper
    • Application
    • Primary function
    • How it works
    • How to improve performance
    • Case studies
    • Measurements
  • Component and Vehicle Level Noise Measurements
    • Why
    • How
    • The need for standards and targets for NVH studies
Materials Provided
  • 90 days of online single-user access (from date of purchase)
  • Four hours of instructor-delivered content
  • Course workbook (downloadable, .pdf\’s)
  • Online learning assessment
  • Instructor follow up to your content questions
  • .8 CEUs* (upon completion of all course modules and satisfactory assessment score)
Course structure

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*položky označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné

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