SAS(R) Real-Time Decision Manager: Creating and Managing Campaigns

This course provides an overview of SAS Real-Time Decision Manager 6.6 and prepares you to construct inbound marketing decisions using the solution.

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Target group

Anyone responsible for designing, implementing, and testing marketing campaigns using SAS Real-Time Decision Manager

Target group

Course structure

Introduction to SAS Real-Time Decision Manager

  • Creating and implementing campaigns.
  • Working in SAS Customer Intelligence Studio.
  • Inbound campaign basics.

Campaign Fundamentals and Basic Nodes

  • Beginning a campaign with the Start and Reply nodes.
  • The Process and Business Rules node.
  • Adding Filter and Branch nodes.
  • Assigning treatments.
  • Assigning reply variable values.

Advanced Nodes

  • Calculated variables and the Assignment node.
  • Adding a Cross Table node.

Creating Treatments

  • Creating treatments.
  • Specifying inbound contact rules.
  • Creating and using dynamic treatment custom details.
  • Updating treatments.

Treatment Eligibility and Arbitration

  • Assigning treatment eligibility.
  • Arbitrating treatments by sorting.
  • Arbitrating treatments using self-learner processes.

Decision Treatment Campaigns and Campaign Sets

  • Overview of decision campaigns, decision treatment campaigns, and decision treatment campaign sets.
  • Creating and using decision treatment campaign sets.

Finalizing a Campaign

  • Validating a campaign and running test cases.
  • Documenting and marking for deployment.

History Campaigns

  • Introduction to the common data model.
  • Capturing campaign history data.


There are no formal prerequisites for this course. Before attending this course, you should have basic skills using a web browser and software based on the Windows environment, and be familiar with business issues and processes for interactive marketing campaigns.


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