SAS(R) Report Writing

This course teaches you how to create tabular reports using the REPORT and TABULATE procedures. You also learn how to enhance your reports using the Output Delivery System (ODS).

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Target group

SAS programmers, data managers, report writers, and analysts who want to generate reports using Base SAS procedures and who are familiar with basic SAS procedure syntax

Target group

Course structure

Introduction to Reporting and the Output Delivery System

  • Setting up for this course.
  • Introduction to reporting.
  • Introduction to the Output Delivery System.

Getting Started with the TABULATE Procedure

  • Introduction to the TABULATE procedure.
  • Creating the structure of tables.
  • Adding overall summarizations.
  • Adding additional statistics.

Doing More with the TABULATE Procedure

  • Enhancing with labels, formats, and options.
  • Adding trafficlighting and style attributes.

Getting Started with the REPORT Procedure

  • Introduction to the REPORT procedure.
  • Creating detail reports.
  • Creating summary reports.
  • Computing additional columns.

Doing More with the REPORT Procedure

  • Adding summary lines.
  • Adding trafficlighting and style attributes.
  • Using the CALL DEFINE statement.

Doing More with the Output Delivery System

  • Doing more with the EXCEL destination.
  • Doing more with other destinations.
  • Using ODS LAYOUT.
  • Using SG procedures (ODS GRAPHICS).
  • Creating a complex report.


Before attending this course, you should have completed the SAS Programming 1: Essentials course or have equivalent programming experience.


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Podívejte se na úplný seznam referenčních klientů, kteří na nás nedají dopustit.

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