SAS(R) SQL 1: Essentials

This course teaches you how to process SAS data using Structured Query Language (SQL).

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Target group

SAS programmers and business analysts

Target group

Course structure


  • Setting up for this course.
  • Overview of SAS Foundation.
  • Course logistics.
  • Course data files.
  • Introducing the Structured Query Language.
  • Overview of the SQL procedure.
  • Exploring tables.
  • Specifying columns.

PROC SQL Fundamentals

  • Subsetting data.
  • Presenting data.
  • Summarizing data.
  • Creating and managing tables.
  • Using DICTIONARY tables.

SQL Joins

  • Introduction to SQL joins.
  • Inner joins.
  • Outer joins.
  • Complex SQL joins.


  • Noncorrelated subqueries.
  • Correlated subqueries.
  • In-line views.
  • Creating views with the SQL procedure.
  • Subqueries in the SELECT clause.
  • Remerging summary statistics.

Set Operators

  • Introduction to set operators.
  • The INTERSECT operator.
  • The EXCEPT operator.
  • The UNION operator.
  • The OUTER UNION operator.

Using and Creating Macro Variables in SQL

  • Interfacing PROC SQL with the macro language.
  • Creating data-driven macro variables with a query.
  • Using macro variables in SQL.

Accessing DBMS Data with SAS/ACCESS

  • Overview of SAS/ACCESS technology.
  • SQL pass-through facility.
  • SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement.
  • PROC FedSQL.


Before attending this class, you should be able to do the following: 

  • Submit SAS programs on your operating system. 
  • Create and access SAS data sets. 
  • Use arithmetic, comparison, and logical operators. 
  • Invoke SAS procedures

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