Survival Analysis Using the Proportional Hazards Model

This course discusses survival analysis concepts with an emphasis on health care problems. The course focuses on the Cox proportional hazards model, not the parametric models, and is not designed for predictive modelers.

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Target group

Biostatisticians, epidemiologists, social scientists, and physical scientists

Target group

Course structure

Introduction to Survival Analysis

  • Survival analysis concepts.
  • Exploratory data analysis using survival curves.

Proportional Hazards Model

  • Introduction to the Cox proportional hazards model.
  • Model assessment.
  • Models with nonproportional hazards.
  • Model building and subset selection.

Advanced Topics

  • Time-dependent covariates.
  • Repeated events.


Before attending this course, you should: 

  • Be able to create SAS data sets and manipulate data. You can gain this experience from the SAS Programmierung 2: Datenmanagement course. 
  • Have completed a statistics course such as the Statistics 1: Introduction to ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression or Statistics 2: ANOVA and Regression course

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Jsme vám k dispozici na telefonním čísle +420 222 553 101 vždy od pondělí do pátku: 9:00 - 17:00.

*položky označené hvězdičkou jsou povinné

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