VMware Cloud Director: Advanced Workshop [V10.2]

This five-day, hands-on training course provides you with the advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to design and utilize a cloud solution based on VMware Cloud Director™. Besides learning about an advanced cloud architecture, you learn about the integration of VMware Cloud Director with the products VMware Cloud Director Availability™, VMware vRealize® Orchestrator™, VMware vRealize® Operations™ (including the Tenant App), VMware NSX-T® Data Center and VMware NSX® Advanced Load Balancer™ (Avi Networks).

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Target group

Customers, cloud architects, systems engineers, data center administrators, and cloud administrators with experience in managed services or managing a service provider environment

Target group

Target group

Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

Advanced VMware Cloud Director Architecture

  • Explain the basic concepts and terminologies in a VMware Cloud Director environment
  • Describe the basic architecture of a VMware Cloud Director environment
  • Follow a proven process to design and deploy a cloud solution
  • Gather and analyze business and application requirements
  • Document design requirements, constraints, assumptions, and risks
  • Use a systematic method to evaluate and document design decisions
  • Explain the differences between conceptual, logical, and physical designs
  • Describe the concepts of Provider SLAs
  • Discuss the advantages of standardized and flexible cloud platforms
  • Explain how you can use a building-block design approach with VMware products to architect a flexible but standardized cloud environment
  • Impact on Monetization of service definitions
  • Discuss the design and implications of a vSphere Design for the Cloud Platform
  • Explain the use of Single vs. Stretched vs. Multi-Site deployments
  • Design Cloud Director Federation
  • Explain use cases for CPOM

NSX for vSphere Versus NSX-T Data Center and Migration

  • Describe the NSX Management cluster architecture, components, and communication channels
  • Identify the workflows involved in configuring the NSX Management cluster
  • Validate and troubleshoot the NSX Management cluster formation
  • Explain basic concepts of NSX-V and NSX-T design with VMware Cloud Director
  • Discuss the use cases for Edge Services
  • Discuss the use cases for Distributed Network Services
  • Discuss the features available in NSX-V and NSX-T
  • Explain the integration of external networks (such as MPLS, DirectConnect)
  • Explain the integration of 3rd party network services (NON-VMware Edge Services, WAF)
  • Discuss different migration scenarios
  • Explain pre-requisites for migration from NSX-V to NSX-T

NSX Advanced Load Balancer

  • Explain basic concepts of NSX Advanced Load Balancer
  • Explain the integration of NSX Advanced Load Balancer with VMware Cloud Director
  • Discuss the use cases for NSX Advanced Load Balancer
  • Explain the load-balancing service offered by an NSX-T edge gateway

VMware Cloud Director Availability

  • Describe the architecture of VMware Cloud Director Availability
  • Explain the prerequisites of VMware Cloud Director Availability
  • Discuss the implementation of VMware Cloud Director Availability
  • Discuss the use cases for migration with VMware Cloud Director Availability
  • Explain setup of data seeds for VMware Cloud Director Availability
  • Discuss the use cases for Disaster Recover as a Service with VMware Cloud Director Availability
  • Explain connectivity for VMware Cloud Director Availability to Cloud use cases
  • Understand requirements for VMware Cloud Director Availability OnPrem to Cloud failover and failback

vRealize Operations Manager and Tenant App

  • Describe the architecture of vRealize Operations in a Service Provider
  • Describe the architecture of vRealize Operations Tenant App
  • Explain the use cases for vRealize Operations Tenant App
  • Explain use cases for vRealize Operations Manager in Service Provider environments
  • Discuss vRealize Operations Manager Management Packs
  • Explain advanced troubleshooting in service provider environments with vRealize Operations Manager
  • Discuss architecture and integration of vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App
  • Explain connectivity of the vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App
  • Discuss user and role management of the vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App
  • Describe billing policy definition in the vRealize Operations Manager Tenant App

VMware Cloud Director Orchestration

  • Explain VMware Cloud Director orchestration
  • Explain vRealize Orchestrator use cases
  • Describe the architecture of vRealize Orchestrator in a Service Provider environment
  • Explain use cases for VMware Cloud Director blocking tasks
  • Explain use cases for XaaS Integration
  • Design workflows, objects
  • Discuss UI customization for Service Provider and Tenants
  • Explain integration of custom elements in VMware Cloud Director
  • Explain use cases for Extensibility SDK


Completion of the following courses or equivalent knowledge is required: 

  •  VMware NSX-T Data Center: Install, Configure, Manage 
  • VMware vRealize Automation: Orchestration and Extensibility 
  • VMware Cloud Director: Install, Configure, Manage

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