VMware Horizon 7: Troubleshooting and Performance Optimization [V7]

During this five-day, hands-on training, you will gain the advanced knowledge, skills, methodology, and abilities to achieve competence in troubleshooting the View component of VMware Horizon® 7. You will increase your skills and competence in using VMware and third-party tools to analyze and solve problems associated with a View implementation. This lab-intensive course provides you with a comprehensive environment to test your skills at identifying and solving a broad range of issues.

Virtual Training nebo e-Learning?

Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target group

Experienced system administrators and system integrators responsible for maintaining the View component of VMware Horizon 7

Target group

Course structure

Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

Introduction to Troubleshooting

  • Discuss troubleshooting techniques
  • Describe methods for efficient troubleshooting in a consistent and repeatable manner

Troubleshooting Tools

  • Understand how to use Horizon Administrator to troubleshoot View problems
  • Understand how to use the command line to troubleshoot View problems
  • Understand how to use VMware and third-party tools to identify and troubleshoot View problems
  • Interpret log files

Troubleshooting Virtual Desktops

  • Analyze, diagnose, and troubleshoot virtual desktop problems
  • Use VMware tools to optimize virtual desktops

Troubleshooting USB Connectivity and Printing

  • Discuss how View supports connecting USB devices to clients as well as printing to local and remote printers
  • Analyze, diagnose, and troubleshoot USB connectivity and printing problems

Troubleshooting Display Protocols

  • Discuss the topology and architecture of display protocols in View
  • Analyze, diagnose, and troubleshoot Remote Desktop Protocol, Blast Extreme, HTML Access, and PCoIP problems
  • Optimize PCoIP and Blast Extreme for performance

Troubleshooting View Composer

  • Discuss the architecture, purpose, and benefits of View Composer
  • Analyze, diagnose, and troubleshoot View Composer problems

Troubleshooting Instant Clones

  • Discuss the architecture, purpose, and benefits of instant clones
  • Understand how to create and deploy instant-clone desktop pools
  • Analyze, diagnose, and troubleshoot instant-clone problems

Troubleshooting SSL Certificates

  • Discuss certificate authority and SSL certificates
  • Discuss the proper method to install and replace certificate authority and SSL certificates
  • Analyze, diagnose, and troubleshoot SSL certificate problems


  • Discuss how a data center’s infrastructure can affect the performance of a View environment
  • Discuss best practices for data center infrastructure for View


  • Horizon (with View): Install, Configure, Manage or Horizon 7: Install, Configure, Manage
  • VMware Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals

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