VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer: Troubleshooting and Operations

This 3-day, hands-on training course provides you with the advanced knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competence in operating and troubleshooting the VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer solutions. In this course, you are introduced to several operational, management, and troubleshooting tools. You will be presented with various types of technical problems, which you will identify, analyze, and solve through a systematic process.

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Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target group

Experienced system administrators or network administrators

Target group

Course structure

Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

Introduction to NSX Advanced Load Balancer

  • Introduce NSX Advanced Load Balancer
  • Discuss NSX Advanced Load Balancer use cases and benefits
  • Explain NSX Advanced Load Balancer architecture and components
  • Explain the management, control, data, and consumption planes and functions

Events and Alerts

  • Describe NSX Advanced Load Balancer Events
  • Describe and configure NSX Advanced Load Balancer Alerts
  • Describe NSX Advanced Load Balancer monitoring capabilities leveraging SNMP, Syslog and Email

Introduction to NSX Advanced Load Balancer Troubleshooting

  • Explain NSX Advanced Load Balancer troubleshooting concepts
  • Describe and leverage Application Logs
  • Describe and leverage Application Analytics and Security Insights
  • Understand and utilize Health Score concepts
  • Explain and leverage metrics
  • Explain and leverage packet capture and command line utilities
  • Describe and leverage UI and CLI utilities to perform Control Plane troubleshooting

Infrastructure Troubleshooting Concepts

  • Describe and perform general Cloud Connector troubleshooting
  • Describe and analyze VMware Cloud Connector state
  • Leverage case studies to troubleshoot VMware Cloud Connector
  • Describe and troubleshoot VMware NSX Cloud Connector integration
  • Describe and troubleshoot Linux Server Cloud Connector integration
  • Describe and troubleshoot Openstack Cloud Connector integration
  • Leverage case studies to troubleshoot Openstack Cloud Connector
  • Describe and troubleshoot AWS and Azure Cloud Connector integrations

Troubleshooting Avi Service Engines and Advanced Troubleshooting

  • Explain general Service Engine infrastructure
  • Explain and leverage Analytics, Health Score and Metrics for Service Engine troubleshooting
  • Explain and leverage Events and Alerts for Service Engine troubleshooting
  • Leverage CLI for Service Engine troubleshooting
  • Analyze Service Engine with Tech Support utility
  • Leverage CLI for advanced Datapath analysis

Monitoring NSX Advanced Load Balancer

  • Explain and configure SNMP-based monitoring
  • Explain and configure REST API-based monitoring
  • Describe and leverage 3rd-party REST API monitoring extensions (Grafana, Prometheus)

Jak kurz hodnotí absolventi?

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Podívejte se na úplný seznam referenčních klientů, kteří na nás nedají dopustit.

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