VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud: Deploy and Manage [4.x]

This two-day, hands-on training course provides you with the knowledge, skills, and tools to achieve competency in deploying and managing the VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud® environment. In this course, you are introduced to workflows of various software-defined WAN constructs along with several operational tools that help you deploy and manage VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud

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Target group

  • Experienced system administrators, network administrators, and system integrators responsible for designing and implementing networking solutions
  • Network and security professionals who work with enterprise and data center networks
Target group

Course structure

Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

Introduction to VMware SD-WAN Solution

    • Revisit the traditional WAN technology, WAN topologies and downsides
    • Explain the challenges solved by Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and use cases
    • List the components of the VMware SASE™ solution
  •  Describe the VMware SD-WAN solution and list its capabilities

VMware SD-WAN Components and Architecture

    • Understand the architecture of the VMware SD-WAN solution and list all its components
    • Explain the function of VMware SD-WAN Edges, Hub, Gateways, controllers, and Orchestrator
  •  Explain how the components of the VMware SD-WAN solution interact with each other

Using VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator

    • Describe key attributes of the VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator
    • List primary features of the VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator
  •  Navigate the main menus of the VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator portal

Deploy and Configure VMware SD-WAN

    • Understand the deployment process of VMware SD-WAN components like VMware SD-WAN Edges,
    • Hubs, Gateways, and more
    • Understand the workflow of the VMware SD-WAN configuration
    • List the optional network services that are supported by VMware and the steps to configure the same
    • Understand the profiles and their application in the VMware SD-WAN infrastructure
  •  Describe the VMware SD-WAN Edge activation process

Path and Traffic Management

    • List the routing options supported by VMware SD-WAN: Static, BGP, OSPF
    • Understand the Dynamic Multipath Optimization (DMPO) feature and its advantages
  •  Explain the Quality of Service and its configuration to manage traffic

Securing VMware SD-WAN Environment

    • Explain various options available to secure VMware SD-WAN environments.
  •  Understand the firewall capabilities and configuration

Monitoring, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting

    • List and understand the various features available to monitor the VMware SD-WAN infrastructure
    • List and understand the various options available to troubleshoot and investigate issues in VMware


    • Extensive knowledge of routing and switching is required.
    • You should also have the following understanding or knowledge:
    • Good understanding of TCP/IP services and protocols
    • Knowledge and working experience of computer networking, including:
    • Switching and routing technologies (L2-L3)
    • Network and application delivery services (L4-L7)
    • Basic understanding of IaaS, SaaS, and public and private cloud

The VMware Certified Professional – Network Virtualization (2020) certification is recommended.


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