VMware vSphere: What’s New [V8]

In this two-day course, you explore the new features and enhancements following VMware vCenter Server 8.0 and VMware ESXi 8.0. Real-world use-case scenarios, hands-on lab exercises, and lectures teach you the skills that you need to effectively implement and configure VMware vSphere 8.0.

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Máme dostatečnou flexibilitu, takže vybírat můžete jak prezenční termíny, tak online kurzy.

Zkuste živý kurz virtuálně

Target group

System architects, system administrators, IT managers, VMware partners, and individuals responsible for implementing and managing vSphere architectures who want to deploy vSphere 8.0 into their existing vSphere environment.

Target group

What will you learn

  • Recognize the importance of key features and enhancements in vSphere 8.0
  • Describe vCenter Server, VMware ESXi, storage, virtual machine, and security enhancements in vSphere 8.0
  • Describe the purpose of vSphere Distributed Services Engine
  • Update an ESXi host equipped with a Data Processing Unit (DPU) using vSphere Lifecycle Manager
  • Identify devices supported for system storage on ESXi 8.0
  • Recognize enhancements to VM hardware compatibility settings
  • VMware vSphere Memory Monitoring and Remediation and the improvements to vSphere DRS
  • Recognize the new Virtual Non-Uniform Memory Access (vNUMA) topology settings of a VM in vSphere Client
  • Use vSphere Lifecycle Manager and Auto Deploy to manage the configuration specifications for the hosts in a cluster
  • Recognize the vSphere Lifecycle Manager and Auto Deploy enhancements in vSphere 8.0
  • Recognize the cloud benefits that VMware vSphere+ brings to on-premises workloads
  • Recognize technology that is discontinued or deprecated in vSphere 8.0


This course requires completion of one of the following courses, or equivalent knowledge, plus administration experience with ESXi and vCenter Server:

  • VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage
  • VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale
  • VMware vSphere: Fast Track
  • VMware vSphere: Troubleshooting
  • Experience with working at the command line is helpful.

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