VMware Workspace ONE: Unified Endpoint Management Troubleshooting [V21.x]

In this two-day course, you learn to investigate, analyze, and determine issues that might occur with all the different components of the VMware Workspace ONE® UEM (Unified Endpoint Management) platform. Understanding how to effectively troubleshoot product issues enables administrators to understand how product services communicate and function—in turn optimizing service and software health management. Troubleshooting is the backbone of service maintenance and management.

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Target group

Workspace ONE administrators, account managers, solutions architects, solutions engineers, sales engineers, technical support engineers, and consultants

Target group

Course structure

Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics
  • Course objectives

Fundamentals of Workspace ONE UEM Troubleshooting

  • Summarize the general logic of Workspace ONE UEM issue troubleshooting
  • Classify Workspace ONE UEM issues
  • Describe when and why to use logs for troubleshooting
  • Compare the different log levels
  • Identify the key factors of log collection
  • Summarize the workflow topology of each Workspace ONE UEM productivity and integration component

Workspace ONE UEM Console Troubleshooting

  • Outline the best practices for Workspace ONE UEM console issue troubleshooting
  • Identify common Workspace ONE UEM console issues
  • Troubleshoot Workspace ONE reporting issues
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Group Management and Assignments
  • Troubleshoot issues related to System Settings and Admin Roles
  • Use the Console Event log for Workspace ONE UEM console issue troubleshooting
  • Collect and analyze Workspace ONE UEM console logs

Workspace ONE UEM Enterprise Integration Troubleshooting

  • Summarize the best practices of Workspace ONE UEM Enterprise Integration issue troubleshooting
  • Identify common Enterprise Integration issues
  • Troubleshoot issues related to AirWatch Cloud Connector
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Directory Services integration
  • Troubleshoot issues related to certificate authority integration
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Workspace ONE access integration in the Workspace ONE UEM console

Workspace ONE UEM Endpoint Troubleshooting

  • Summarize the endpoint connection topologies of different endpoint platforms
  • Describe endpoint troubleshooting best practices
  • Identify common endpoint issues
  • Summarize the general troubleshooting logic for resolving an endpoint enrollment issue
  • Validate enrollment settings for endpoint enrollment
  • Troubleshoot endpoint connectivity issues
  • Validate the Hub Settings in the Workspace ONE UEM console
  • Summarize the general logic of troubleshooting profile lifecycle management issues
  • Outline common compliance policy lifecycle management issues
  • Summarize the key factors in collecting and analyzing Workspace ONE UEM Device Services logs and targeted logging
  • Identify the categories and logging levels of certain Device Event log entries
  • Troubleshoot Device Enrollment Program (DEP) enrollment issues

Workspace ONE UEM Email Troubleshooting

  • Summarize the general troubleshooting logic of resolving Email Management issues
  • Identify common email issues
  • Troubleshoot issues related to email profile and VMware Workspace ONE® Boxer settings
  • Troubleshoot AirWatch Secure Email Gateway related issues
  • Troubleshoot PowerShell integration related issues
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Email Compliance Policy
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Email Notification Service
  • Outline the steps of collecting Secure Email Gateway logs and email server logs

Workspace ONE UEM Application Troubleshooting

  • Summarize the best practices of Application Management issue troubleshooting
  • Identify common Application Management issues
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Public Application management lifecycle
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Internal Application management lifecycle
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Apple Volume Purchase Program
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Windows Store for Business
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Per-App VPN
  • Collect and analyze Per-App Tunnel log

Workspace ONE UEM Content Troubleshooting

  • Summarize the best practices of Content Management issue troubleshooting
  • Identify common Content Management issues
  • Troubleshoot issues related to AirWatch managed content management
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Content Gateway
  • Collect and analyze Content Gateway logs
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Admin Repository
  • Troubleshoot issues related to User Repository
  • Troubleshoot issues related to Workspace ONE Content Application

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