ITIL® Planning, Protection & Optimization Certificate

ITIL® Planning, Protection and Optimization Certificate


Continuity of services is essential for each organization. Planning, Protection and Optimization of services ensure continuity. The management of demand, capacity and availability plays a key role in this, making the module indispensable for everyone involved directly or indirectly in providing services or responsible for their functioning.

Target group

You are an IT professional, business manager or business process owner and form part of the operational staff in your organization. You would like to know more about managing demand, capacity, availability, safety, risks and IT Service Continuity Management and the associated service agreements. You contribute to a higher level of IT Service Management.


The certificate shows that you have knowledge of planning, protection and optimization in the field of IT Service Management. You know the guidelines for designing, implementing, supporting and improving the processes. You oversee the risks and critical success factors. The certificate is suited to a practical role.

e-Competence Framework (e-CF)

The mapping of this certificate against the e-Competence Framework.

Legend for coverage:

  • General - The competence is covered at the level indicated
  • Partial - The competence is covered to some extent
  • Superficial - Relevant knowledge is covered to some extent
  • The competence level is available in the framework
  • The competence level is not available in the framework

-The ITIL® Foundation certificate in IT Service Management*
-An accredited training by an accredited training provider

*Or the Foundation certificate in IT Service Management (based on ITIL®) (version 2) in combination with the ITIL®Foundation bridge certificate.

Exam content
Candidates can expect to gain competencies in the following areas upon successful completion of the education and examination components related to this certification:

  • Service design in PPO and lifecycle context;
  • Processes across the service lifecycle pertaining to the practice elements within planning, protection and optimization;
  • Capacity management as a capability to realize successful service design;
  • Availability management as a capability to realize successful service design;
  • IT service continuity management as a capability to support overall business continuity management;
  • Information security management as part of the overall corporate governance framework;
  • Planning, protection and optimization roles and responsibilities;
  • Technology and implementation considerations;
  • Organizational roles relevant to PPO;

And specifically in the following key ITIL® process and role areas:

  • Capacity management
  • Availability management
  • IT service continuity management
  • Information security management
  • Demand management
  • Challenges, critical success factors and risks for planning, protection and optimization

Exam Details
Number of Questions: 8
Pass mark: 70%
Open book: No
Electronic equipment allowed: No

  • Cena bez DPH: 9 350 Kč
    Cena s DPH: 11 313,5 Kč
  • Na dotaz
  • Napsat dotaz
ITIL<sup class='sup'>®</sup> Planning, Protection & Optimization Certificate

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